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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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by LuAnne Anderson

Many times we give the devil too much credit. The word says we are born in sin. The sin is our flesh. When we receive the revelation, our flesh is our true enemy, I believe we will leap to new horizons spiritually.

I have been going outside the camps to fight the enemy, just to find he has been residing within. It is not us; it is what is in us, that would like to destroy God’s plan for our life. Each one is tempted by his own desires and enticed (James 1:14).

The enemy has a plan. We have to remember that satan is the father of lies, the god of confusion, doubt, depression, anger, and hopelessness. If we are confused, hopeless, discouraged, frustrated, depressed, angry, etc., why would anyone want what we have?

One plan of attack is to keep us too busy or tired to seek God, and the plan He has for our lives. God’s plans are different. These are the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans not to destroy you, but, plans to give you hope and a future (Jer 29:11).

Do you have a plan?

If we don’t plan, we plan to fail. If we feed our flesh daily, (Me, Myself and I) how can our spirit man be strong? The word says, if we resist satan, he will flee (James 4:7) . We must resist our flesh, and no longer feed its desires that want to distract us, from the calling Christ has on our lives.

Did you ever ask yourself why is it so hard to take time out for the Lord? When you try to read your Bible, do you find yourself wanting to go to sleep?

Think about it, He gives us 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week, and we struggle to give Him 15 minutes a day, and 1 to 2 hours a week in service.

Thank God, He doesn’t go on vacation from us, and say, “ I will get back with you in a few months.”

When our spirit man is strong, we are sensitive to our call. We know where and when to go, and what to say.

The Pistol Packing Mama

I remember one of my first revelations of how important it is to be in His presence, and sensitive to the Spirit. I had just left an appointment and was heading back to the office. I felt the Lord’s prompting to pull in this restaurant. I said, “Lord, what do you want me to do, sell them an ad?” Again, I heard, “Go into the restaurant.” I am ashamed to admit, I asked yet another question. “Well do you want me to get them to distribute the magazine?” Then a much louder voice, with such urgency, that I broke out into a sweat, said “Go into the restaurant!” I immediately pulled in the parking lot and proceeded to go in, and ask for the owner.

This very attractive lady came out and for the next few hours we talked. We were able to start distributing the magazine in the restaurant, but the most exciting part, is I had an opportunity to talk to her about the Lord. She was so receptive, it seemed she was hanging on every word. I was confident God touched her life.

I had no idea how much untill weeks later. We started frequenting the restaurant, and the owner and I became friends. One day she came up to me and asked, “Did I ever tell you what was taking place that first day you came into the restaurant?” She said, “My husband used to beat me on a regular basis and I had decided I had enough! When my server came back to get me to come up to the front, I was ready to kill him.” She said, “Little did you know LuAnne, when I came out to see you, I was a pistol packing mama. I had a pistol stuck in my jeans.

And then you started talking to me about the Lord and this Christian magazine.” She said, “If you had not come in at that moment, my husband would be 6 feet under, and I would be in prison.” I took a deep breath, and thought “Dear Lord, what if I had not been sensitive to your spirit today?”

We never know when God has an opportunity for us to impact someone’s life. We need to always be ready. He wants to use us as vessels for Him, to Love one another.

In order to fight and conquer your enemy you should know about him, his characteristics, what he likes to do, and how he thinks. Satan is a liar. He comes against us with thought bombs like: a) Your not good enough, b) you shouldn’t share your testimony, c) don’t hang around Christians they are boring , and d) you are too busy to have devotion. His plan is to divide and conquer, to separate you from the postive influences in your life and surround you with negative ones.

Keep your eyes on the prize, don’t listen to the lies (Phil 3:14).

These are just a few examples of satan’s lies and Gods truths:

The enemy says: 

God says:

Hold on, it’s mine
We must be first
Work hard, get all you can
Desire more
Desire things of this world
See it, before you believe it
You can’t do it

Let go, it is His
He who is last, is first
Rest in Him, He will supply
Give all you have
Press in move forward
Hunger and thirst for Him
Believe it; before you see it
You can do all thingsthrought Him

Christ had to come and die in the flesh that we might live through the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit now lives in us. If we supress the flesh, and live by the Spirit, the enemy no longer has to be In-A-Me!

The Key: Gods #1 Commandment: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and spirit. Passion for Him and He will take you to new levels of excellence. He won’t push His way on your life that is why you are given a will. It is your choice alone. Have you ever seen the picture of Christ standing outside the door? There isn’t a knob on that door. He will not push His way in. You must ask Him in. If you are ready to ask Him into your heart today, see page 10, at the end of our cover story, there is a little prayer.

Pray that prayer today and expect BIG changes in your life.

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