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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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See The Fruit
by LuAnne Anderson

A few years ago I had a man approach me at a local Wendy’s, and ask for money. He and a friend Gail were hanging out there together and were hungry. I told them, “I would be happy to buy them supper. I took their order, and returned a few minutes latter with their meals.

While they ate, I shared how the Lord loves them, and cares for their needs. I prayed with Chuck and (Gail) the salvation prayer and I gave them each a Cornerstone Connection, to encourage, and inspire them.

Remember, my letter last month was about how to plant a tree.
Well, recently I was blessed to see the fruit of that seed planted that evening with Chuck and Gloria.

I received a call from Chuck a few weeks ago and he said, “You probably don’t remember me. But, years ago you fed me, and a friend of mine in front of Wendy’s.
Since that night God has worked miracles in my life. I got a job, opened my own bank account, and I am seeking God rather than alcohol for my answers. I would like to meet with you, and give you something.”
What a blessing!

How often do we get to hear of what happened to that total stranger the Lord prompted us to speak to. We met that afternoon, and when I arrived he had a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a neatly folded piece of paper in the other, anxiously waiting to serve his prize. He gave me the flowers, and then handed me a donation (an offering for Cornerstone Connection), and a letter of inspiration for someone else out there who may need to hear the truth.

Following is a portion of that letter. Thank you Chuck for being an inspiration to carry on with my torch, to be a light to those in darkness. You are a blessing. May God bless you, as you have blessed me.


“You are somebody. I know because I was a person who came from a broken home and abusive family. It was not until I gave Jesus a chance with my life, on February 8, 2006, and cried out from an honest heart, that He delivered me from alcohol, and other drugs I used to escape life. I have seen the Lord do a miracle in my life. I have been in 2 rehabs, but when I found out that Jesus was who He said He was (“I am the way and the truth and the life.No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6), and not a religion, I knew He could do miracles. I knew then He could heal the broken, restore broken relationships, and fill that emptiness within your heart. He can also take any homeless person off the street, as I was homeless.

He has given me a job; and also peace and joy that money cannot buy.
Jesus can save you from the lake of fire, which was not created for man, but for the Devil, and his demons. If you don’t think there is a devil, look around you, and see the problems in the world.

Jesus teaches us to love God, and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Want to make a bet? I listened to the Devil’s lies for years. If I did not cry to Jesus, you better believe I would not be here to write this. Thank you Jesus! The Bible says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, shall be saved. He loves you.”


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