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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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Through Death Comes Life... If You Believe
In Memory of My Dad
by LuAnne Anderson

As we move into the month of June there are so many feelings of sadness, and expectation at the same time. This is the month we remember our fathers. Some are preparing for a great celebration to honor a father of morals and integrity, who is loving, and always has a listening ear. He is attentive to the needs of his family, because he always put them first. Others don’t have a lot of good memories and struggle to find that perfect card that says very little, because the pain of the past is to great to honor those who distorted the vision of their father in Heaven.

And yet some of us only have a memor, good or bad, to hold onto. I am reminded of my father, Sam Padgett, who went to be with the Lord five years ago.

Through the death in my circumstances, I found life. I found peace in the storms, and through that peace a reward of wisdom, knowledge and understanding of what I believe God wants for all of us, a greater understanding of Him. He is our true father, who loves us, because He loves us, because He loves us.

I remember so vividly the day when I received that dreaded call, we never want to hear. My father fell, and hit his head, and though they found him hanging onto life they could not resuscitate him. I know you are never prepared for the loss of a loved one, but this was a tremendous shock. I felt as though I was moving in slow motion, numb from the events of the day, wishing I could go back and start the day over, minus this tragedy. As my family and I traveled to Tennessee to be with my mother, and help her through this difficult time, I remember thinking, "This can not be real. It must be a terrible nightmare. How can I wake up?"

My Mom and Dad had been together for 32 years. This was my stepfather to some, but to me, he was my Dad. My biological father passed away when I was 19. This man was in my life for 32 years, and in every sense of the word was my Dad. He was always by my mother's side. My brothers and I knew he would always be there for us, even though none of us were his biological children. I remember him telling me one day, "I want to be remembered as a good, and faithful husband, and father to children who were without a father being there to love, and care for them as his own." And he did just that. He was committed to his family, and this was a great loss for all of us.

My stay could not be long, as I had to get back to the magazine for our monthly publication. Upon return, I became very ill, and was bedridden for 3 weeks. Still feeling numb, and in shock from all that was happening in my life, there was no time to mourn or heal, just take action. However, I kept pressing on to the mark, trying to meet everyone's needs but my own. I woke up one morning, and took note of this little pillow my daughter had placed up above my dresser. It read, "Joy.” I said, "Lord how do I find this joy?" I clearly heard this voice within say, "Press In! Press In!" I said, "Where do you want me to press in?" He said, "Romans." I remembered thinking to myself in my depressed state, "Oh, that's great! All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28)." As I opened my Bible the pages fell open to Romans 1. I read chapters 1, 2, and 3. Since I felt He instructed me to press in, I continued to read on to 4, and all of a sudden there it was, my hope for this dark time. I saw something I've never seen before, or understood. A revelation of Abraham! He wasn’t accounted righteous because of whom he was birthed to, or due to his popularity. He did not make himself righteous due to works. Romans 4:3, states Abraham believed God, and he was accounted righteous through faith. Even though he was 100 years old and his wife's womb was dead he believed God for a child, and because he did not waiver at the promise of God through unbelief, being fully convinced that what He had promised, He was also able to perform, and
therefore it was accounted to him for righteousness. (Rom. 4:20-22)

I felt God ask, "What is righteousness?" I said, "Standing upright, being the best I can be, not on the fence, or over it." He said, "You lost Me on hello. If you're trying to do everything yourself, you are moving in law and works, and your faith is not in Me, but in your own capabilities. What has happened to the Faith of Abraham?
Believing in Me, and trusting Me with All your heart?" What a revelation! If we walk in the possible, making things happen as we think they should, doesn't that only give US glory? But, if we believe for the impossible, letting go, trusting God for the Big things in our life, this gives Him glory, and brings peace in our lives, as we have now transferred the burden onto His shoulders rather than our own. We can now rest in His promise that He will take care of all our needs. My take on Romans 5:1 is the Justification of our Faith, is the Peace of God. We can overcome All obstacles through Him. This kind of Faith moves mountains!

No more doubt, depression, confusion, or worry. My Pastor once said, "Most people believe in their doubts, and doubt their beliefs. It is time we believe our beliefs, and doubt our doubts." It is time to walk with the Faith of Abraham!

I have learned through death comes life in all aspects. As we trust God through all our circumstances, we are putting death to our flesh. I believe He then gives us favor, and breathes life into us, and through those same circumstances He establishes us, strengthens us, and builds our character. As Paul explains it in Rom. 5:3-5, tribulation produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character hope. Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who was a gift to us.

Remember: With God All things are possible, and All things do work together for good to those who love God, and are called according to His purpose.

If you Believe! Faith Moves Mountains!

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