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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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How Does Your Offering Smell?

by LuAnne Anderson

Have you ever had someone in your life, a child, a neighbor, or a friend, that calls when they have nothing better to do? They tell you they love you when they are with you, but weeks, or months can pass before you hear from them.

And then there are those that you only hear from when they need money, food, or they are going through another crisis.

Have you ever considered how God must feel when it takes an act of Congress for us to stop, and truly meditate on Him?  But, if our President, the Mayor, our Pastor, or heck, maybe just a good friend called and said, “I want to spend time with you,” We would clear our schedules immediately.

Yet, God sits patiently waiting for us to take time out with Him.

He wants to express His infinite love for us, to free us from harm, and guide us away from evil. He wants an intimate relationship with us, that we may be sensitive in the spirit, to discern the designed steps He has for us. As written in Jeremiah 29:11, He did not come to destroy us but, to prosper us, and give us good health, to give us hope, and a future. We get so upset when we go through the fire of our circumstaances, but if we don’t feed our spirit with His word, to douse that fire. Whose fault is that? When you are strong spiritually, your faith is strong. You know who you are in Christ. Our Pastor recently made the statement, “Idols strip you of your strength.” Those things that we are busied with and distracted by are usually idols we have allowed in our life. Pretty good plan don’t you think?

Have you ever heard of divide, and conquer? This is exactly why those tempting carrots are dangled in our midst, to entice us away from our God, and our calling.  In Isaiah 53:14 it states, in righteousness we are established. Remember last month’s letter? We discussed two righteousness, righteousness of law and works, and righteousness of faith. While having my daily devotion the other day, this scripture in Isaiah seemed to leap off the page. I believe He is saying in Faith we shall be established. Your faith can only come by the word of God.

Most times we make wrong decisions in our life because we are making them in our flesh, rather than being sensitive in the Spirit, that He may guide us. Whose fault is that? I get weary of all the complaining, and criticism of our God. Statements like, “Where is He when we go through crisis?” It is not the circumstances in our life that hold us back, or define us; it is the choices we make through those circumstances.

Do you only come to Him through the fire? Or do you consider every breath, your existence, your loved ones, possessions, His presence, and just a sweet aroma, a gift? We have so much to be thankful for, yet how many times do we thank God, and go with an eager heart to sit before our passionate ever loving, Father. Malachi 1: 6-8 speaks of how angry the Lord was at the people for bringing their sick, or defected animals as an offering. Where is the sacrifice? Aren’t we doing the same thing when we go begrudgingly thinking of all we have to do during the day, and how inconvenient it is to stop, and pray to be intimate with our Father. The Word says He knows our heart. How sad it must be, to see we are coming out of law, rather than love, and faith in His hope for us. He has sacrificed so much for us. He gave His Son. I am a mother, and I find it hard to wrap my mind around that. Can you imagine?

Or do you know, that is how much He loves you? And yet we struggle to give Him even five minutes of precious focus in the morning, and night. He gives us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thank God, He doesn’t go on vacation from us. He will never forsake you, or abandon you.

For those who feel this is for you, don’t settle for Ishmaels any longer. Remove the obstacles keeping you from a more fulfilled life. My take on Romans 5:1 is this: the justification of your Faith is the Peace of God.

Remember: Know Peace, Know God. No peace, No God. You choose.

Put God in first position. Make Him your priority, and watch Him move. Rise to new levels.
Be A World Changer!

In closing. This is a very special issue to us at Cornerstone Connection, as we are celebrating our 15 year anniversary. Usually I would write all the accolades, and accomplishments over the past 15 years. But, I felt this message was lead by the Holy Spirit, and an urgency to share it with you. My heart is to move in Gods will, not my own. I am humbled that He would choose me to publish, and be a part of such a vital ministry; to be a light to those in darkness, to give hope to the hopeless. I thank my love, my confidant, partner, husband, and dearest friend, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is all that, and more to me. I am so blessed, and humbled to know Him. If you don’t know Him please invite Him into your heart today, and allow him to make your burden light. He says, come unto Me all who are weak and heavy laden. Give Me your yoke which is heavy, and I will give you My yoke which is light (Matt.11: 28-30).

Know the Truth, and Truth will Set You Free (John 11:2). If I am speaking to you pray the prayer at the end of the cover story on pg.13, and then please call, and let us pray with you.

Thank you patrons for indulging me. Now I am really closing. I have to say thank you to all those who took the time, to write congratulation letters to the Publisher for our 15 years, God Bless You. There are so many wonderful letters, and beautiful comments we will have to spread them out over the next few months. Thank you, to all the advertisers. Without you, well, you would not be reading this right now. Last, but not least, to my family, friends, readers, thank you for all your love, support, and encouragement.

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