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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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by LuAnne Anderson

What drives many of us to think that the single people of this world need our help, to find the one God has chosen and predestined for their life? Do we think, if we can make one match that is successful, it will make up for all our bad choices? Shouldn’t we first encourage people to fall in love with God?

Aren’t we giving a mixed message when we say, Christ is all we need, and yet in the same breath, we try to hook them up with a mate, to really fulfill their needs?

Could this be the reason why, even in the body of Christ, the statistics of divorce are at their all time high? We are in such a hurry to repopulate the world with couples carrying baggage that even the best psychologist couldn’t cure.

Singles, I implore you, “Don’t Be A Statistic!” Unfortunately, most of those couples are trying to survive a faltering relationship of their own, on the edge of divorce, or break-up. Yet, they are trying to convince you, you need a mate.

Now, before all of you who have great marriages start rebuking me (I know you are out there), unfortunately you are the minority. My point is this: God should be our first love, so we can know how to love as He loves.

He made that empty space within us to be filled first with Him, and His love. If you make someone else your god, before Him, and something happens to that person, you are devastated. But, if we allow God to be first, and then we find the person of our dreams, and something happens to them, we are not devastated, because we know our foundation is in Christ.

Allow God to be your first love. Then, you will know how to love as He loves, and you will have the discernment to know who He has for your soul-mate. When you make Him your first desire, you become sensitive in the Spirit, and He will fine-tune you to know the desires of His heart. The closer you are to Him, the greater the revelation of who you are, and where you are called, and who, and what your destiny is. Seek His kingdom first, and He will supply for all your needs. (Matt. 6:33)

One of Gods greatest gifts is to know how to love as He loves. Then, we can be whole/complete for the mate He has chosen for us.

Please, singles to whom this applies, get on your face, and ask God to make Himself real in your life... to give you a desire to seek Him daily, to become more intimate with Him.

For all the cupids out there, ask God to forgive you for meddling, as if He needed your help in His plan for our lives. Ask Him to give you, and your single friends a deeper stronger, more intimate relationship with Him first.

Trust Him, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above, and beyond what so ever you ask, or think. (Eph. 3: 20)

His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.(Isaiah 55:8-9) Let go, and Let God. Get out of the way, and watch Him move.

Personally, I have turned in my bow, and arrow.

Single and Available:
Looking for someone who I can love unconditionally.
Supply for all your needs. Restore all your losses.
Heal all your hurt’s. Take all your guilt.
Listen endlessly to your thoughts, and desires.
I want to love you with a love that is all consuming, that it
overflows, to give you a desire to love those around you
with the same passion.


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