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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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I Had a Vision
by LuAnne Anderson

Several years ago, I had a vision of our city working together as one; one body supplying for all our needs. We need to unite as one, all our forces and resources together, enabling us to supply for every need. Training, when necessary, those served with skills, and developing them spiritually, as we love our neighbor as ourselves.

It occurred to me, we don’t really need another resource center taking care of the needs. We need a hub to unite everyone. A common ground where business, ministries and individuals merge as one.

It is my belief HELP Your Neighbor was created for such a purpose as this. So we filed for our 501c3, and received approval in three months. It is an honor to announce this month, that we have officially launched this God-given vision.

The reason people respond when planes fly into buildings, and lands are flattened by tornadoes is due to the fact that the need is placed in front of us. We have developed such tunnel vision, that we don’t even notice our neighbor hurting next door, and sometimes, even in our own home.

Through Cornerstone Connection you can now see the needs in our community. Read the testimonials of success. See how you can get involved to help those in need, and your local community, uniting as one.

Our long-term vision is to develop a database of the local resources so that when you or a ministry have a need, you may contact us and we will let you know where to receive your aid.

It is not our intention to reinvent the wheel. We have so many ministries in the community, truly making a difference. It is our determination to help them in meeting the needs as we work together.

I felt the Lord gave this threefold vision to guide us.

1) Community Awareness.
2) Uniting our Forces and Resources
3) Spiritual Development

We are excited to share a few of the many stories, of those we have been able to help (see page 6).
Many ministries have seen the same vision and begun a work to unite our resources, but the needs continue to rise and the communication “where” and “how” are not clear.

The missing link is a tool for communication to guide us to the resources, show the needs and share the testimonies of relief. You can now read our new feature called HELP Your Neighbor to be a part of this community.

I had a vision of a community that cares more about their neighbor, than the recognition they receive when they help someone. It didn’t matter what color, or religion, or how much, or little money anyone had, just that we help take care of one another, and every need is met. It came to me that Cornerstone Connection was made for such a time as this.

One of the greatest commandments is Love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. The second is Love your neighbor as yourself. This is the fullness of the gospel. If you love your neighbor as yourself, you wouldn’t murder yourself, steal from yourself, or lie to your self.

Could this be God’s plan? In His Word, the disciples pulled their resources together and took care of one another. It is time that we get beyond ourselves, and understand we would have nothing, but for Gods grace and start loving our neighbor as our self.

We came into this world with nothing, and we will leave with nothing. You know there is freedom when you realize all we have is God’s, and you can not out give Him. My prayer is we will learn to love one another. The Word states as you do things unto man, it is as if you do it unto Him.

Thank you all for your continued support, prayers, and encouraging letters. You are a blessing in my life.

May you have a blessed Holiday season full of Jesus, the true reason for the season.


LuAnne Anderson

If you would like to know more information about HELP Your Neighbor and how you may become involved, please call: (407) 839-5507 or email: general@hynorlando.com

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