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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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How To Persevere Beyond The Obstacles
by LuAnne Anderson

Recently, during my daily devotion I cried out to God, “Father forgive me, I want more of you, yet all the busyness, obstacles and distractions continue to steal my time. Like Paul, I do the things I don’t want to do and don’t do the things I want to do. Please help me!”

Suddenly, I heard a voice say, “That is why I tell you in My Word to be diligent, to be prudent, to press in.”

Consider this: You don’t have to be diligent or prudent to eat, watch TV, or play on your computer.

You do, on the other hand, have to be diligent and prudent, to press in, when you are going against the wind, or pushing forward against all obstacles.

One evening a tragic call for help came in at 2 am, Rick (a friend and co-worker) said, “LuAnne, I just wanted to say I love and appreciate you and your friendship. You have always been there as a friend and before I go, I had to say thank you and goodbye. I will see you in heaven.” He then hung up.

It was apparent he intended to end his life. For a moment I paused; how do I handle this sudden crisis? I had two children in bed, and he lived 20 minutes away. And then, I must admit a hint of fear tried to consume me. Thoughts ran in my head of stories I had heard on the news, of some lost soul taking other lives with them before taking their own.

Then I remembered, if God is for us, who can be against us. And, No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Suddenly, fear no longer had a hold on me.

On the way to Rick’s apartment I called Michael, a mutual friend of ours, and he agreed to meet me.

Halfway there it became apparent, as I pressed in with prayer, I had to be diligent, relentless, without pause, as my prayer was literally fighting off demonic forces from taking this man’s life. It’s difficult to describe, but it felt as though a thickness, a weight were all around as I felt the forces fighting against me in the spiritual realm. It took all I had from within, to merely open my lips to pray. If only everyone could experience this at least once in their life, we would pray more often and press into the things of God. When I got there, my revelation became real.

Michael beat me to the apartment. He saw the smoke coming from the garage, broke in, and found Rick under the vehicle. Rick was dead and had already lost his waste. Michael pulled him out and administered CPR. Fortunately, just in time to bring him back to life. Isn’t God amazing?

I have no experience or training in CPR. If I were the first one to arrive or if I had not been able to reach Michael that evening, Rick would not be alive today. My prayers were answered.

Rick explained later how he had crawled under his car after he started the ignition and said “Lord, if You have a plan for my life, You will save me.”

When he came to, the ambulance had arrived as they started to take him away on the gurney, (unaware of the ultimatum Rick had proposed to God); I bent over and whispered in his ear, “Rick, God must have a plan for your life.”

The next day a priest came to his hospital room to encourage and minister to him, and as he went to leave, he turned and said, “Rick, God must have a plan for your life.”

I remember we were concerned as Rick’s countenance had not changed, and he still seemed very depressed. Then his third confirmation came in a most peculiar way. His physician, a local doctor on call, came in and ministered to him for almost 45 minutes. As he went to leave he turned and looked directly into Rick’s eyes and said, “Rick, I believe God has a plan for your life.” Right after the doctor left, Rick called me. He sounded like a different person, and his enthusiasm was contagious. He now confessed his request to God. As he shared the three confirmations, we both became emotional.

Rick got out of the hospital the next day, and we went to church. When the pastor gave the altar call, Rick went forward and dedicated his life to Christ. Now, come to find out, of all the churches in Orlando, and all the services he could have attended, the doctor that ministered to Rick in the hospital happened to go to this particular church service. When he recognized Rick up front, like the father of the prodigal son received his son, this doctor ran to Rick and embraced him with tears of joy. Over the previous year I had known Rick, we had many prayers, and ministered to help him understand God’s love and get him to church. This doctor made a tremendous impact on his life. Rick has his own business now, and lives in Brevard County. He is serving the Lord with all his heart and is now considering going into full time ministry.

That early morning crisis taught me to be diligent and press in against all obstacles.

Webster Dictionary gives these definitions:
Diligent – marked by persevering, painstaking effort (sacrifice).
Persevere – to persist in an idea, purpose, or task despite obstacles.
Prudent – handling practical matters judiciously; managing carefully; considering your ways; behaving circumspectly (aware and heedful of consequences).

Psalms 2:1 states: The kings of the earth set themselves, and rulers [principalities] take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying “Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.”

One of the enemy’s priorities in this world is to break our bond with God and our neighbor. Working against God’s first commandment to us; to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul and mind. While also breaking our second commandment; to love our neighbor as ourselves, to break the bond with those around us.

We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves, to support, encourage and love one another. As iron sharpens iron, so man sharpens man. We grow spiritually together sharpening one another and supporting one another in prayer. A cord of two is strong, but three is unbreakable.
The world is changing so quickly. With the economy being what it is today, many are carrying enormous burdens, looking for a way out. If we want to see change, we must press in.

Prayer is not something that is easy for most. The spirit is willing, but flesh is weak. It can be difficult to pray to our Lord whom we cannot see, touch or feel, but I promise He will make Himself real to you as you press in to Him.

God is the only answer!

I challenge you to press in to a higher calling with our never-changing, immovable, all-consuming Father whose greatest desire is to have an intimate relationship with you.

Press in to His Word and prayer, and watch Him move in your circumstances.

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