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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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The Sleeping Giant
by LuAnne Anderson

There is a sleeping Giant of Great destruction, a killer disease covering our nation.

It takes your memory and steals your dreams; it can devour your finances; and it blinds you from seeing those in need around you. The first sign of infection is it takes your purpose in life, by blurring your God-given vision with circumstances, and obstacles and makes you lust for what you don’t have.

Like most diseases it spreads, but this one, with increasing power, has moved across our land.

Its name, Complacency.

Remember, it’s the disease that infected our country and immobilized us to speak when they passed a law to remove prayer from our children’s schools. We were also too busy to fight as a law was passed to murder our unborn children. Not to mention we remained quiet as a president was caught in sexual immorality and lies. Many came to his defense, to support and excused his actions, to make him a hero. Yet, this stain upon our presidential position was the beginning of an immoral decline in our country. Now, we have a President who has been disgraced in the media for protecting our country, yet is not afraid to stand and state on his faith in God and our need to pray.

Are you that courageous?

Now there is hope!

Over the years I have been able to overcome many obstacles through God. He is all you need, to find victory in all your circumstances. Compelled to bring you this urgent message, my hope, is to bring light where darkness desires to tread. Experiencing the disease first hand, my first mission was to defeat it myself. It can be very cunning. You may think you have conquered it one way, and then, it reveals itself in another.

We need to stop being the Victim, and know that we are Victorious through Christ.

We need to start embracing the promises of God, and know “we can do all things through Him.”1 When the lust for more comes in, “set your mind on the things above, and not on earthly things.”2  “Through God we will do valiantly, for it is He who will tread down our enemies.”3 Activate your faith, and expect the impossible to see the purpose God has for your life. “For He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above, and beyond whatever we ask or think.”4

The key is more passion for God and desire for His word. “If we seek Him first, He will supply all our needs, for those who are called according to His purpose.”5

We need to get on our knees in prayer, “fully convinced that what He has promised, He is able to perform.”6

My brother Clif and his wife, Char, were trying to adopt a child (Chelsea). For almost a year, they struggled with one obstacle after another. Clif is in the Navy and well respected in his community. There was no apparent reason for them to go through so much difficulty in taking custody of Chelsea. Yet, at this point, it looked as though it would be several months at minimum before they would be able to adopt. I remember vividly one afternoon they came to my mind and I felt led to stop what I was doing and pray for them. Many times I had lifted their situation in prayer before, but this time was different. It was as if the Lord was directing me like a puppet on a string. If I were not strong spritualy through seeking God, in His Word and prayer, in the natural I would not have had the faith to believe in my next request. You see, Clif and Char live in Norfolk, VA, and Chelsea lived in Washington State. As I began to pray I said, “Lord, if it be your will, please remove every obstacle that is keeping Clif and Char from gaining custody of Chelsea, and I pray they will get her this week.” As soon, as I said this, a voice said, “It is done.” With much enthusiasm I picked up the phone and called my mother. I told her, “If you talk to Clif, tell him I was praying for him and Char to get Chelsea this week, and that the Lord said, ‘It is done.’” I remember her being distracted as I repeated, “Mom, this is real important, Clif and Char are going to get Chelsea this week!” Now, you can imagine, at this point, my Mother was probably thinking I had totally lost my mind. Being the supportive mother that she is, she just said, “That’s nice honey. Ok, I will tell them.”

If you know anything about gaining custody of a child, you know there is a process one would expect to go through. You would have to go to court before a judge, and of course, this is scheduled in advance. Not to mention they live across the country from one another, so you would have to plan ahead for such an endeavor.

The very next day my mother called. Very excited, she said she had just received a call from Clif and Char. It seems, a few hours after my revelation from God the day before the caseworker called; she stated they had been approved, and they needed to fly out to get Chelsea, the next day.

The following day, during my daily devotion I heard the Lord again. He said, “Knowledge is power. Remember three days ago when you prayed for your brother? You saw the miracle, because you prayed and believed; you confessed; you received.”7

He said, “My children perish for lack of knowledge.8 The most powerful thing I have given you on your being is your tongue, and it can speak life and death. You can curse yourself and others, or you can speak blessings.”

He reminded me of people I had been acquainted with in the past saying things like, “New levels, new devils.” and, “The devil came after us last year, and he is going to come after us this year.”

He said, “What are you saying?”

He reminded me of His word, “Speak only of good things, lovely, things that are edifying.9 Death and life are in the power of the tongue and you shall eat the fruit there of.10 Whatsoever you say and believe you shall receive.”11

The enemy wants your mouth, and God wants your mouth. Who will you obey?

You choose, as Paul said, “Do you not know that to whom you present yourself slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?”12

If we don’t contemplate, we compromise, opening the door to complacency.

Even a cell phone has to be charged daily; imagine our mind. The brain naturally doesn’t think right if it is not being fueled. Let the Holy Spirit renew your mind, thoughts and attitude. Let’s step out of complacency, and into the light. It is time to walk in truth, not in lies. To walk by faith, not by sight. To walk in light, not in darkness. Jesus said, “It is better to be hot or cold than lukewarm, for God will spew you out.”13

It is time to stand for our beliefs, and make a mark on this world, to bring hope to the hopeless! We have a huge God, so stop thinking small. Expect Great Things!

In closing, I am reminded of the words of a song, called God Is Love, sung by Jonathan Helser. He sings, “I can scale the walls; I can move a mountain; I can slay the giant when You’re on my side. I can raise the dead; I can free the nations; I can fly!”

Remember, “nothing is impossible when God is on our side!”14

“For the turning away of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.”15


LuAnne Anderson

1 Phil 4:13
2 Col 1:2
3 Ps 108:13
4 Eph 3:20
5 Matt 6:33
6 Rom 4:21
7 Matt 21:22
8 Hos 4:6
9 Rom 6:16
10 Prov 18:21
11 Matt 21:22
12 Rom 6:16
13 Rev 3:16
14 Mark 10:27
15 Prov 1:32-33

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