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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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Make A Stand! Vote On August 26th
by LuAnne Anderson

Last month’s Letter From The Publisher, I discussed a disease sweeping our country, a “Sleeping Giant.” It’s name: complacency.

I felt lead to elaborate on this issue, as we are in one of the most difficult seasons of our nation’s history. It is time for us to come out from under this disease of compromise and make a stand for our beliefs. We can’t just sit back and expect our leaders, pastors and the other guy to do all the work. There is an old saying, “If we keep doing what we have always done, we will continue to get what we already have.”

Statistics show that fewer of our students believe, much less seek after God, compared to the past generations.

Through our complacency, we allowed the word of God and prayer to be removed from our schools. Since this atrocity, over 677 students have been assassinated on our school grounds. When is enough, enough? Are we really going to continue to allow the minority rise up and remove God’s name from this land? What have we done to fight? And now, we have a presidential candidate stating with no reservation, “this is no longer a Christian nation.”  Why should our children believe in God, our Father in heaven, if we show no sign of conviction or stand for our beliefs?

A few months ago after we began the One God Movement,ä there were students who approached me with this comment; they said, “Thank you for standing up for your faith. We need to see your generation stand for your beliefs, and the denominational walls that separate the body of Christ tumble down.”  In order to make a difference, we are going to have to make a stand together as one body. Doesn’t our silence support the adversary? If we are too busy to fight for the basic fundamentals - ethics, grace, integrity, and the faith our forefathers believed in, how can our generations to come respect us or anyone in a position of authority, much less our Father in heaven? Everything comes from the top.

We must make a stand! It is our responsibility as parents and leaders to guide them to the truth, and “the truth will set us free.”1

“We reap what we sow.”2 If we sow nothing, we reap nothing. My prayer is that at minimum we do our homework, and start electing godly leaders to bring us back to God’s plan, to stop the violence in our schools, stop murdering our unborn, and stop desecrating the word of God.

“All that is required for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.” Quote by Edmund Burke.

This month you will see a few godly leaders advertising in Cornerstone Connection. They believe enough to stand for a magazine that brings light to those in darkness and hope to the hopeless, to bring a positive message to our community.

Scott Plakon, running for Florida House District 37, has been a dear friend of mine since 1983. When I committed my life to Christ, he was my mentor through a weekly Bible study.

I remember the first time I witnessed to a friend about salvation, how God had transformed my life; she said, “I want what you have.” I panicked and drove all the way across town to Scott’s house, and he and his roommate, Rick Bezet (who is now a pastor of a large church), prayed with her to commit her life to Christ. I was afraid my prayer would not have the power to get her to heaven.

Scott met Susie (the love of his life) not long after, and he and Susie have been dear and faithful friends ever since. About three years ago, I had to go to the emergency room. Scott and Susie rushed to my side and stayed with me through my ordeal. While we were in the waiting room, we had the privilege to witness and pray for another patient.

Scott is a man of integrity, a faithful husband, a dear friend and is honored and respect by those who know him. He is a man who stands for his beliefs and will not give up under adversity. He has a heart to stop abortion in the state of Florida. If anyone can do it he can. He has many accomplishments. But, if you asked him what has been his greatest accomplishment, he would probably say his family.

I met Joe Mantilla, running for Florida House District 40, six years ago in a meeting with Sheriff Beary. The Sheriff invited me to his office to congratulate Cornerstone Connection for our 10th anniversary, and thanked us for giving a positive message and being a light in our community. Joe and I became instant friends.

He is wise and yet humble, exemplary of a godly man. He wasn’t ashamed to pray for someone or say he needed prayer. I like “real.” We worked together on a few projects. He has never been anything less than faithful and honest, always ready if he could help. He has also proven to be a man of integrity and has a heart for this community. We have something in common; we are both life-long Orlando residents, and desire to see this community work together to solve the needs at hand.
My comrades and I believe the country has a spotlight on Orlando and hope this city will be a positive influence for bringing wholesome values and building the faith of mankind.


LuAnne Anderson

1. John 8: 32; 2. 2 Corinthians 9: 6

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