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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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From the Heart
By LuAnne Anderson

It has been 14 years, June 12, since we published the first Cornerstone Connection Magazine. The first issue consisted of 8 pages, and we printed only 8,000 for distribution. We are now 40 pages and growing, reaching over 100,000 readers.

Many have asked how we began.

One day my husband and I were walking around Lake Eola, and I heard a local Christian artist, Angelo Ballestero, singing outside. I quickly went to the phone to call my daughter and son to see if they could catch the concert. Unfortunately, in the time it would take them to get ready and drive there, it would be too late.

Earlier that day my husband and I went to our knees in prayer and asked God what we should do next. We had just finished producing the first Christian business directory, for a local Christian radio station, and felt it was time to do something new. As we walked around the lake, it came to me. It is too bad we don't have a Christian magazine like the Calendar with local events for Christians. Then we can plan to be at the events, rather than hear we missed them the next day. That evening I shared the idea with one of our friends, and he said, "There is a little newspaper with classifieds that was popular in his area. We should include this with our events." It would be a great way to help people get jobs, as there were so many at that time going to the altar praying for work. Well, it just kept growing from there, and here we are fourteen years later.

Ironically this past year I became reacquainted with Angelo (the artist singing in the park) and his wife Shelly. Shelly was commenting on how they love the magazine and that she writes in a local magazine herself. I shared with her Angelo's influence in the beginning. They had no idea. Long story short, Shelly has become one of our contributing writers for the cover stories (Angelo is now Worship Pastor of FBC Windermere multi-campus.)

God works in mysterious ways.

What an honor it has been to be able to work for Him. Bringing a positive message to our community, and hope to the hopeless. It has not been easy, but has truly been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life.

The Lord has brought us through so much.

Through life I have faced many challenges: From being molested as a child, trying to commit suicide at twelve, to losing my father at 19. Through this period of confusion I dropped out of school in my sophomore year. Yes, I do not have a high school diploma, much less a college degree. But, I do have a heavenly Father who is faithful. He is my teacher.

Paul wrote: I did not come with excellent speech or wisdom declaring to you the wisdom of God for I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of knowledge and power and your faith should not be in the wisdom of man but in the power of God (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).

We get so distracted and bound by the expectations of the world. Some of us are called to preach to the multitudes, but if we go by the world's standards, we may go a lifetime before we are released, trying to educate ourselves. This message came alive to me as Paul wrote; God has chosen the foolish things of this world to profound the wise. (1 Corinthian 1:27)

Many scholars, with all their knowledge and self-prevailing wisdom, have most times lost the mystery and manifestation of the Holy Spirit of God flowing through them. Which by faith, and example of His power comes when we totally surrender our flesh to be a vessel for Him to use.

Then He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above, and beyond whatever we ask or think.

I thank God for giving me faith to move forward despite all the obstacles.

And the privilege and honor to work for Him, as this is His magazine, not mine.

I want to thank my family for all the times we had to sacrifice time together for deadlines over the years. I love you and appreciate all your love, support and encouragement. Especially you Mom. I do not know how I would have made it without those daily conversations, and encouragement. You have been my rock of strength and support.

Thank you to the staff, contributing writers, graphic artists, distributors, and proof readers for the unlimited sacrifices you have made to support this vital ministry. Jan, you are a blessing. Thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty. For getting the vision and embracing it with me, whatever the cost.

Thank you to all our advertisers, you are our sole support and make it possible to reach the multitudes.

Thank you Dr. Clifford B. Dubbin, and Dr. Daniel G. Goddard, for making me well again, through your services, support and encouragement. You have blessed me with a new life. Thank you, for being obedient to God's call to help me in my time of need.

Thank you to our readers for your continued faithfulness and support to our advertisers, enabling us to move forward, to fulfill the great commission by spreading His word.

As soon as we sincerely commit our lives to Him, we are worthy to receive all gifts from Him.

God Bless you all.

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