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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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“Let’s Get Real”

I first want to thank, all of those who have blessed me with their encouraging testimonials, of how last month's Letters From The Publisher touched their lives. That was probably one of the most difficult articles I have ever written, not just personally, but the spiritual attacks were almost overwhelming. Yet, I felt the Lord urging me to press on. Despite the obstacles, there were people out there who needed to read it. Your testimonies confirm that I heard Him clearly. We have received more response from that letter, than anything we have published in 14 years.

The word of God states, love your neighbor as yourself (Galations 5:14). People are tired of the false pretence, of the perfect person.
They want what is real. They will know us by our testimony. Your greatest gift for reaching the lost for Christ, is being transparent.
When we share what the Lord has brought us through, it brings Him glory. I believe this is the gift God speaks of in his word when, He says, "do not keep it hidden away, under a basket (Matt. 5:15)." If you will consider for a moment, some of the greatest soul winners in the bible (previous to surrendering their hearts to the Lord) were murderers, prostitutes, thieves, etc. It was through their testimony, of where they had been, and how God had transformed their lives, that they were able to reach the multitudes. This brings life to the scripture; God has chosen the foolish things of the world to profound the wise, and the week things to put to shame the mighty (1Corin. 1:27)

Many Christians believe that people will think less of them if they are transparent, and share their testimony. This is an absolute lie. Any one, of any value, knows none of us are perfect, nor can be, except Jesus Christ. Pray that from this day forward, you will walk in truth, not in lies. And walk boldly confessing your faith.

Divine Encounter

I remember one of the first experiences I had in sharing my testimony with a stranger. It was a divine encounter.

Just as I was about to walk into the grocery store, a man sitting- out front caught my eye. He looked like your typical vagrant, with his bottle of booze in a bag, tucked under his arm for safekeeping. I felt a strong impression, that God wanted me to approach him. I would like to say I jumped to the call. But, like most of us have heard at one time or another, this other voice started saying: Don’t, you will rain on his parade, he doesn’t know you, or care what you have to say. Sound familiar? At first I resisted the urge to go nearer, as I ponder this alternate call. After a few moments, and the third time hearing an even louder voice inside, telling me to approach the man, it was impossible to ignore. I pulled an inspirational card from my purse and prepared to hand it to him. Still feeling awkward and unsure as I approached him, I said “The Lord told me to give this to you, because He loves you, and I love you too.” I was surprised at what had just come out of my mouth, yet confident that I had completed my mission. I entered the store to do my shopping.

Some forty-five minutes later, I left the store and saw that the man was still there. He approached me with tears streaming down his face and asked, “Why did you give me this card?” I responded, “I told you the Lord said, to give it to you, and to tell you He loves you;”
and added, “He must love you very much and have a great plan for your life.” Before I could say anything else, the man began to tell me what he had been through in the past few days.

“You probably think I’m a bum, but I’m not.” As he spoke, he pulled his wallet from his pocket and showed me hundreds of dollars.
He explained that he had been sleeping in the woods nearby ever since his wife had kicked him out. A successful contractor, and part of a team that helped build one of the largest churches in Orlando, he now felt he had nothing to live for, and was trying to determine how to end his life.

Now realizing my purpose for this encounter, I began to tell him about how God changed my life and set me free from drugs and alcohol.

He said, “My son is always telling me about church and God and how I should put Him first.” I interrupted him and said, “Yes, but you can’t write me off like you do your son, because he hasn’t been where we have been.” The more we talked, the more convinced he became, that God could heal him too.

A greater confirmation that this was not a chance meeting, happened when I offered him the name of a counselor who might be able to help him. He said,” I can’t believe it, look at this.” He then pulled a card from his wallet that had been given to him the day before, with the same counselors name on it, that I had just referred him to.

This whole incident is yet another way to remind us, of how important it is to have a close personal relationship with the Lord, so that we can hear His call; always ready to share our testimony to those who need to hear it the most, that we may give them hope.

If God can transform my life, He can transform yours.

I just pray this simple prayer, and the Lord puts people in my path all the time.

Prayer: Lord give me a boldness to share what you have done in my life, to be a light in this dark world, and may people see your eyes, and hear your voice through me. Empty me of my flesh and fill me over flowing with your fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- control (Gal. 5: 22)

God won’t push His way in. You must ask. And when you do, get ready for the ride of your life.

Keep It Real,

LuAnne Anderson

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