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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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by LuAnne Anderson

As we enter into this New Year of 2007, I want to first thank God for helping me through one of the most difficult years of my life. He has not only sustained me; He has blessed me. Through my circumstances I have a greater understanding of His all-consuming love, and His eternal grace. I do not feel led to go into all the gory details, but I will say this,

I have never been more thankful for family, friends and having energy to just get out of bed as I do now. I almost bought the lie, and didn’t think I would see another Christmas. Some of you know I have struggled with my health over the past few years.

News Flash! I am Healed! Praise God! I have received that healing that Christ bought for us long ago. I am feeling better than ever and doing things I haven’t been able to do in years. Thank you for your prayers.

During this time my children have been MIA, due to distractions in their lives, little having to do with God, but you know what? I heard this message, when I needed it most. “Righteousness is not inherited”. Our seed will grow through their circumstances in life, just as we did. I believe all of my children will rise up through their circumstances and serve the Lord. If you trust in Him and keep His commands, you are blessed coming in and going out and your seed is blessed, and He will cause your enemy who rises against you to be defeated before your face (Deuteronomy 28:1-14 excerpts). We must believe the truth and the truth will set us FREE!

I know there are many out there that are facing trials and I feel as though the Lord wants to encourage you. I had an article ready for this month and here at the last hour, the magazine is complete except for my letter. In other words this letter is holding the presses but I felt strongly that the Lord wanted me to give another message. If you are reading this now, I don’t believe in happenstance, this word is for you. Keep your eyes on the prize; do not listen to the lies.
God loves you… Because He loves you, Because He loves you, Because He loves you. And, if you do not change from this day forward, He Loves You!

Yes, last year was difficult but, I have learned so much through my circumstances and I feel I am better for it. You know the richest growth is in the valley. Let’s embrace and thank Him through our circumstances. James 1:2 states: “Count it all joy when you go through various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith brings patience. But, let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” That is His desire, that we lack in nothing spiritually, physically and financially, that we trust in Him through our circumstances, and the justification of our Faith, is the Peace of God. (Romans 5:1) Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through Christ Jesus.

He is a loving God, as you dig deep in His word, His greatest desire is to express that love, and for us to express His love to one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word even this. “You shall Love your neighbor as yourself (Galatians 5:14).” Think about it, if you love your neighbor as yourself, you could keep all the commands. You wouldn’t steal from yourself, you wouldn’t kill yourself, and you wouldn’t commit adultery to yourself. Well you get the idea. He is love, and desires us to radiate that love to one another. He has so much for us if we would just slow down and take time to have a more intimate relationship with Him. To know Him through seeking Him. In Psalms 1:2, we are to delight in His law (the
Bible) and meditate on it day and night. Then you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season. Whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. He says (John 15:9), As the Father loved me I shall also love you, abide in my love. If we abide in Him, He will abide in us. He desires to be intimate with us relating to us, and through us, to fulfill His perfect plan for our lives. He said, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, and bring you back from captivity (Jeremiah 29:11-13).”
In closing, my prayers and appreciation go out to all those who support this vital ministry, the Cornerstone Connection staff, our advertisers, contributing writers, readers, intercessors, proof readers, distributors and our families.

I pray that this year of 2007 will be filled with abundant blessings, joy and laughter, peace and love, perfect health and most important a more intimate relationship with our Savior, and a greater revelation of Gods love for you.
God Bless you all, and all your support and encouragement. You are a blessing!

LuAnne Anderson


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